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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Where did the time go?

Well, here it is October 2nd, the day before we leave. We have nothing packed and still have things to tidy up before we leave. I thought I was doing good on time and being organized and then "whap" I got hit in the face with reality. Boy, did it hit me hard. I have been a complete basket case the past few days. ( I am sure there are those of you out there who would say that it has been more than a few days!!)

I really was very calm up until about a week ago. Things started spiraling out of control when I learned my leave from work was not going to be as planned. We were not prepared for me to be off work unpaid and "unprotected". What I mean by that is I don't qualify for FMLA (family medical leave act). Evidently, I have not worked enough hours the past year to qualify. I guess only working part time eight hour shifts can come back to haunt you when you least expect it. The bummer of it all is that I was only thirty-nine hours short. If I had known that, I could have been trying to pick up some extra time. It isn't that I need to use FMLA now, as I am going to use my vacation time for four weeks. Our concern is if we get home and find out Storie's congenital heart defect needs surgery and I have to take time off from work, my job will not be protected. My manager has been great and has assured me that she won't post my job, but it is the greater powers that be that concern me. One never knows what changes will take place and how those changes will affect us.

I work with a great group of gals though who went to bat for me (to no avail). Thank you so much for doing what you could to try to make it all better. Your support means so much to me. I may have to come back to work sooner than expected but at least I can look forward to working with a great group of friends!

The work situation was what sent me in to overdrive. For what ever reason I haven't been able to snap out of it. What an emotional roller coaster I am on! I really don't like to cry but I have been a giant cry baby. I cry when I am happy. I cry when I am sad. I cry when I am laughing. Can someone say "medication"? I mean good grief, enough is enough!

I will have the hardest time leaving Sydney. I know she will be just fine at home with grandma and grandpa though. As a matter of fact, she will probably need deprogramming after we return! Sydney has a whole itinerary of things she plans on doing with them that should keep them very busy. Grandma will be counting down the days until we return, of that I am sure! Wait a minute. Grandma just told me today that we would need two vehicles at the airport the day we return because there would not be enough room for all of us and our luggage. Could it be she is planning on riding home in the silence of her own vehicle??? (And she thought she was going to fool me on that one!)

I had every intention of posting our itinerary. I just haven't found the time yet. I will try to do so later today. Briefly, our flight leaves Columbus at 11:53 am on Friday. We will fly to Detroit, have a small lay over and then on to Tokyo. From Tokyo we will fly to Beijing. The total flight time will be a little over eighteen hours. Yikes!! The great thing about the trip over is we can induce sleep with medication. The bad thing is, we won't have that option on the way home as we will have an eighteen month old sitting on our laps the entire way. It should be a fun time for all!

If we don't get a chance to post again before we leave we will try to do so as soon as possible once we arrive in Beijing. Remember once again, our time here in the States is twelve hours earlier than China time. Therefore, when you are up we will be sleeping(hopefully).

Thank you for following along and please keep us in your prayers!



Anonymous said...

Kurt, Julie & Shelby,
Have a safe and amazing trip. You will be in my thoughts constantly.

Sydney will be fine Julie! I know it's hard to leave her but you are bringing her the greatest gift- her new sister. With all you've had to deal with lately, your basket case status has been acceptable!!

I remember a time, not too long ago, that you didn't think you'd ever find Storie and this day would never come. It has. (Now I'M crying!) Enjoy every moment.

Love ya,

Kurt and Julie said...

Thank you so much for all of your support! You have weathered this storm with me and have been a great shoulder to lean on!

I will miss you on this trip! I don't think Kurt will find things as funny as you and I did when we were in China together.

Can't wait to see you when we get back!

Love Ya,